Icon identification :

No need to open the document in SOLIDWORKS

No need to open the document in SOLIDWORKS (New)

Requires document to be opened in SOLIDWORKS

Requires document to be opened in SOLIDWORKS (New)

Operations can be selected from the list. These operations can be based on :

  • ''Property'' - deletes a property - adds or modifies a property - modifies a field in a value - adds a date etc ...
  • ''Part'' - change material, color - export file etc. ...
  • ''Assembly'' - Replace component - Resolve/Lighten component - Fix/Liberate component etc. ...
  • ''Plan'' - hide/display a layer - delete tables - insert a table of revisions - insert a bill of materials - replace backgrounds etc ...
  • ''Configurationrename a configuration - activate/delete a configuration - rebuild a configuration etc ...
  • ''Document'' - zoom all - rebuild and resume bar - shadow management, perspective, RealView etc. ...
  • ''Miscellaneous'' - create a control report - place a thumbnail, a title (name of the document analyzed) - run a macro etc ...
  • Visit operation definition is a simple drag-and-drop operation.

All operations detailed below can be filed in the "Operations" folder.


When an operation is selected in the operation list, an icon indicates for which document(s) it will be taken into account:

this operation is only possible for Assemblies documents.

Indicates that the operation is possible for Part, Assembly and Drawing documents.

Indicates that the operation is possible for Part, Assembly documents.

Indicates that the operation is only possible for Drawings documents.

Indicates that the operation is only possible for Parts documents.

Indicates that the operation is only possible for Assemblies documents.