myCADtools 2020 SP2

General :

AM102098 : Added compatibility with SOLIDWORKS 2021.

BG101428 : Automatic selection of latest version in myCADpassport version choices.

AM99256: Added automatic retrieval of property names used by SmartProperties. (SeeAdministration in myCADpassport)

Field concatenation interface :

BG101529 : Ownership of referenced document does not work.

BG102922: The generated file name is incorrect if it contains a dot.

BG103239 : Document property must take precedence over the value in the active configuration if it exists.

BG104729: Drawing conditions don't work if extension is not capitalized.

File selection tools :

BG105631 : PDM optionExtract documents does not remain unchecked when you return to the window.

SmartCounter :

BG103500: Unable to delete data from a cumulative counter in SQL.

BG105351: The first time you add a counter when the settings file doesn't exist, the field remains grayed out, and you have to restart the tool to see the counter.

BG105402: The default counter XML file is not created when a counter is used.

AssemblyBoard :

BG100258 : Added a SOLIDWORKS reconstruction at the end of processing to update sheet numbers in the drawing.

BG101847 : At launch there is a random error.NET Framework.

BG104416 : Quantity problem on a specific document.

BG104752: The material appears twice when the column is namedMaterial.

BatchConverter :

BG102021: The tool no longer retains formats by document type.

BG102022: It is no longer possible to create conversion favorites in BatchConverter.

BG103093: When BatchConverter is pinned, theAdvanced rule creation goes behind.

BG96852: If you can't connect to SOLIDWORKS, the application crashes.

BatchProperties :

AM97822: Integration of new property concatenation interface.

CloneComponents :

BG103963: Error on first use of tool if file name options window not displayed.

BG92735: The file is named with a suffix-1 when creating an internal component with a counter.

CopyOptions :

BG99235: CopyOptions memory release method modified.

CuttingOptimization :

AM103914 : Added reports in XML format.

AM104593: Added ability to define report location.

AM94754: Added the ability to enter angles greater than 85° in additional angle dimensioning mode.

BG102418: When inserting a bill of materials withdetailed list of welded partsThe tool does not take into account the quantity of the part.

DrawingTranslate :

AM78405: Added the ability to restart processing on documents in which the translated sheet already exists.

FindDocuments :

AM101340 : Added analysis to find duplicate files.

AM101341 : Added analysis to find files with lost dependencies.

AM101342 : Added analysis to find orphan files.

AM91931 : Added information in the description field.

BG101339 : Added configuration name information.

BG99273: In search results, only existing files are displayed.

Integration :

AM92622: Added the ability to copy all custom tab properties to configurations.

AM95958 : When browsing conditions with the arrows, the values are not displayed in the right panel.

BG9301 3: Unable to rename part of the configuration name.

PowerPrint :

BG103358: The file name generated by PowerPrint is incorrect if you do not enter the editing parameters.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM101578 : Added an option to use part properties when the part does not exist in the item.

AM102191: Added the ability to create an isometric view.

AM103587: Added ability to display view scale.

AM66274 : Added the ability to display the name used in the BOM

AM88876: Added the ability to rename files generated with sheet metal item properties rather than part properties.

AM93931 : CSV export button added.

BG104682: Display problem after window enlargement.


BG85740: The SmartBom plan location window is not fully translated into English.


BG95431: The color of the dynamic menus is taken into account, but remains black when you return to the settings.

myCADtools 2020 SP1

New tool :

A new tool namedmyCADviewer is now part of the myCADtools suite.

This tool, which uses the eDrawings interface, displays the properties of assembly components according to a customization defined in the tool.

General :

New field concatenation control in BatchConverter, CloneComponents, PowerPrint and SmartDrawings.

BG98653: The properties drop-down menu is empty if SOLIDWORKS 2020 is not installed.

File selection tool :

AM43160: "Today's date" variable added to file selection tool filters.

AM66530: Display a message if, when adding a file, the tool remains frozen because the SOLIDWORKS reference "swdocumentmgr"is not registered.

BG78692: Display a message if the active document does not match the activated filters.

BG87300: Display a message if the folder or file added contains more than 256 characters.

BatchConverter :

AM75843: Added options to position stamp in center of sheet or relative to bottom right.

AM96139: Increase size of favorites field.

BG93997: The buffer is not deleted after conversion of an open document.

CleanProject :

AM28614: Do not automatically close CleanProject at the end of processing.

CloneComponents :

AM94482: Modification of "Help", "About" and "Close" buttons in CloneComponents interface.

ColorChart :

BG100118: Random problem applying colors and properties.

BG93539: ColorChart instability with SWOOD.

BG94479: Modification of "Help", "About" and "Close" buttons in ColorChart interface

CopyOptions :

BG99235 : Modification of SOLIDWORKS memory release method.

CopyParameters :

AM88875: Added the ability to copy settings for all users.

BG20005: Parameter copying problem with read-only files.

BG88874: SmartProperties setting options removed.

CurveEquation :

BG57050: "Hyperbola" and "Traction Spiral" curves don't work (only points can be created).

CustomToolBar :

BG97769: Unable to view event list.

CuttingOptimization :

AM96839: Added ability to enter bar name if it doesn't exist when importing a SOLIDWORKS table.

BG92650: Error in automatic creation of profile base.

BG96262: Missing translation in CuttingOptimization

BG96418: Take into account the two decimal separators

BG96480: The Designation property is displayed as a simple property, whereas it is a differentiating property.

BG98499: Total drop value is incorrect

Dependencies :

AM35385: Prevent processing if the new file location is longer than 256 characters.

AM54563 : Added a SOLIDWORKS opening option to the context menu.

AM99233: Windows context menu "Open in Dependencies" added.

DrawingTranslate :

BG95643: Do not launch SOLIDWORKS in DrawingsTranslate setup mode via TaskPlanner.

BG96120: Error in DrawingTranslate report.

EntityProperties :

BG90599 : Creating a bounding box crashes SOLIDWORKS 2017.

FaceFonts :

BG72425 : Fictitious edges are not modified by FaceFonts, whereas they can be modified by SOLIDWORKS

FindDocuments :

AM91928 : Retrieve list of all existing values in drop-down menus.

AM91929 : Find the list of corresponding property values in the drop-down menus.

AM95433: Added the ability to share the FindDocuments database.

AM97869: Simplified interface added.

FontConverter :

AM87439: The "Arial Unicode MS" font causes a problem in FontConverter.


BG85739: The delete all lines button does not remove the first line inserted.

Integration :

BG93268: Adding a part property to the plan does not work when the files are in the PDM vault (the document extraction option must be checked).


AM94480: Modification of "Help", "About" and "Close" buttons in LocalHelp interface.

myCADpassport :

BG71898: Random error with TaskPlanner when myCADpassport writes to file.

BG92502: Unable to delete XML via myCADpassport when XMLVersion file does not exist.

BG92651: Problem with automatic launch of myCADpassport on Windows startup.

myCADToolbar :

BG88978 : Removed SmartProperties shortcut from component context menu (SOLIDWORKS customization lets you add the shortcut manually).

PilotAssembly :

BG92652: Microsoft error concerning "PilotAssembly.VSTO" when launching Excel.

ProjectExplorer :

AM85904 : Tool interface update.

Registration :

AM95350: Display a message to activate automatically if you don't have a license.

AM95354: Delete invalid licenses (validity date only) when adding a valid license (only for the product concerned).

SearchPaths :

BG86807: SearchPaths does not save paths in SOLIDWORKS unless the options window is opened in the SOLIDWORKS session launched by SearchPaths.

SelectMaterial :

AM94483: Modification of "Help", "About" and "Close" buttons in SelectMaterial interface.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM62379 : With the "Create one file per view" option, add the possibility of renaming each file with the value of a property.

AM96964: Added option to keep existing FlatPattern configurations so as not to lose changes.

BG85689: Adding two columns with the same name causes the add file tool to crash.

BG89907 : Unable to use a scale containing a decimal value.

BG93270: When a part is in several sub-assemblies, the total quantity is incorrect.

BG93795: Error retrieving active document with specific settings files.

BG96962: The notion of spacing between views is applied to views as well as to text.

BG96965: The Check/Uncheck tool doesn't work and crashes.

BG97322: Regression, it is no longer possible to define a column name different from the property name.

BG98015: Error when adding a specific document.


AM23776 : Add columns to the right of the clicked column.

AM51545: Keep BOM when using SmartBom export options.

AM60809 : Added the ability to force values to uppercase as in SmartProperties.

BG58535: Management of different units in SmartBom.

BG72955: SOLIDWORKS crash when modifying a BOM column.

BG88850: In folder mode, new columns are not populated for components that have no properties.

BG90998: Impossible to export to Excel with the combination of two options.

BG92711: The "Show this window when saving" option takes project export options into account.

BG92860 : Double extension for quick export of BOMs in Excel format.

SmartDrawings :

AM66917: Added SmartDrawings models in all languages.

AM85907: Grayscale sheet declination tab in TaskPlanner mode.

SmartProperties :

AM95662: Automatically retains following values in dynamic menus when an empty value is modified.

AM99336: Added a label to indicate what the "Save as", "Save copy as", "Copy as" and "Replace" options do in the SmartProperties save window.

BG86113: Dimensioning the "Variable mapping" window for Dossier PDM.

BG93719: The "Update properties after executing a macro/application" option no longer works.

BG94313: Added an option in the "Delete" type to delete all empty properties.

BG94318: The conditional group does not work in a specific case.

BG94393: The selection of the second argument is not retained after applying it.

BG94892: For a drawing, the value of the conditional property is evaluated but not entered by SmartProperties.

BG95660: PDM/Windows folder, when second folder is selected, display calculation is not correct in SmartProperties interface.

BG96702: Automatic counters no longer work with the "Apply to document and all configurations" option. Visually, the result is correct, but the value entered is wrong.

BG96708: SmartProperties does not display weldment item values in the input mask.

BG99334: Display warning message when drawing is copied and opened.

TaskPlanner :

BG78965: TaskPlanner does not prompt for tool options for some tools.

VersionHistory :

AM91721 : SOLIDWORKS 2020 service pack version update.

WhereUsed :

AM96186: Added the possibility of previewing a file in the results list.

AM96187: Changed "Open folder" text to "Open file location".

AM96188: Automatic file selection when folder has been opened.

AM99234: Windows context menu "Open in WhereUsed" added.

myCADtools 2020 SP0

DriveAssembly :

DriveAssembly can be used to control assembly dimensions in order to analyze component movements in an assembly, or simply to control part or sketch dimensions. This tool has existed for several versions, and has been completely refactored in myCADtools 2020.DriveAssembly is now available from the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager.

PilotAssembly :

The purpose of the utilityPilotAssembly is to be able to manage and modify a complete assembly from an Excel file.

In version 2020, the tool has been completely refactored as an Excel add-in.

General :

AM86439: Improved performance when selecting a folder in mass processing tools.

AM85824 : Automatic change of text and control box colors when changing SOLIDWORKS theme.

AM85730: Manage SOLIDWORKS themes (light, dark...) for task pane tools.

BG90030 : The search for the "properties.txt" file takes into account the version of myCADtools but not the actual version of SOLIDWORKS installed on the workstation.

BatchConverter :

AM63804 : Added an option to open the generated files folder at the end of processing.

AM70844 : Added IFC format to import tab.

AM86251: Added message to instruct user to right-click to specify document type.

BatchProperties :

AM87441: Added the ability to apply a unique number from a counter to each part configuration (only in "On document and all configurations" application mode).

AM89664 : Suppression of warning message if there are more than 5000 documents to process.

BG89503: Failed report with a value operation if the property does not exist in one of the configurations.

CloneComponents :

BG85908: The "Do not duplicate" option displays an error for LOCK components.

BG87803: Message at each launch when using CloneComponents in PDM vault without myPDMtools license.

ColorChart :

AM35105: Added option to create color properties in "Configuration-specific" tab.

AM85700: Added a message in the interface to explain how to add a property to a part.

SmartCounter :

BG78032: Invalid counters if the date format is not the same as the item's date format.

BG83062: Abnormal SmartCounter error message when counter settings file does not exist.

CustomToolBar :

AM79440 Add the ability to automatically launch an action on the active document, e.g. launch an action file from the "Integration" tool.

BG85646: The default path to SmartProperties is incorrect in CustomToolbar.

CuttingOptimization :

AM22529: Enable database creation from profile library.

AM47482: Move SOLIDWORKS window in front of CuttingOptimization window to facilitate table selection.

AM54972: Added the possibility of using a general table (from SmartBom for example) when selecting CuttingOptimization tables.

AM66532 : Added the possibility of automatically assigning colors to different flow rates.

AM72244 : Added a checkbox to automatically stop displaying the corner message when selecting a table.

BG73180: Not case-sensitive for profile association when importing a table.

BG73478: Refresh problem when clicking on "report" when a profile orientation has been changed and the report is immediately edited.

BG78960 : The import of the specific table does not work correctly.

BG79842: When importing a BOM, if the profile matches the base, it is not added unless reselected.

BG80542: Loss of special characters in CuttingOptimisation database.

BG80545: Color inversion problem in a specific case.

Dependencies :

BG88865: Optimized analysis of dependencies not found for the "View dependencies" tab.

DrawingTranslate :

BG83296: Added the ability to color untranslated fields.

BG89727: Added the ability to force translation.

EasyPrint :

AM86252 : Modification of default options.

AM86253 : Remove the save button from the interface, saving is now automatic.

EntityProperties :

AM52891: Added progress bar when creating bounding box.

BG78962: EntityProperties doesn't work in a specific case.

FindDocuments :

AM78144 : Added a criterion to search for a configuration that doesn't exist.

AM86327: FindDocuments added to TaskPlanner.

BG76743: Entering multiple values for the same property does not work.

BG78178: "New search" field not translated.

BG78735: Prohibit selection of PDM folders.

BG88386: Search problem on a configuration name.

BG91291: Search problem on "Component name" and "Sheet name" criteria.

GetCoordinates3D :

BG41635: With a particular settings file, GetCoordinates3D no longer launches.

Integration :

BG89509: Failure on a value operation if the property does not exist in one of the configurations.

LayerManager :

BG68554: The "Processing complete" message is displayed when clicked in SOLIDWORKS during processing.

BG91957: Unable to access properties window, window does not appear when + button is clicked.

MarkFoldLines :

BG70177: Improved stability.

BG86452: Block MarkFoldLines with custom profile.

myCADpassport :

AM67781 : Added display of ignored messages in myCADpassport.

AM87005: Added link to What's New online help in myCADpassport new version check.

AM87392 : Added a command to close and relaunch SOLIDWORKS.

PowerPrint :

AM58297 : Added the possibility of inserting the printing date of plans.

BG62370: Automatically check the "Reconstruct document" option when "Properties management" is checked.

ScaleDimension :

BG77447: Sketch texts are not to scale.

SelectMaterial :

AM69547 : Do not expand the tree when selecting a favorite.

BG69548: The filter favorite is not reloaded automatically when the SOLIDWORKS session is restarted.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM57986: Allow property columns to be moved.

AM70339: Added the option of generating files in a subfolder of the first file processed.

AM85694: Interface modification for layer export options.

AM90044: Use part material when no material is assigned to the sheet metal body.

BG70631: The SOLIDWORKS session may not be completely released by SMM, requiring you to close SOLIDWORKS to recover all functions.

SmartBalloons :

BG66194: Layer color reverts to black when an existing layer is used.


AM47664: Add component thumbnail to Excel BOM.

BG89548: When a value is enclosed in brackets, Excel export causes problems.

BG91448 : Changed the Excel file to compensate for the limited number of columns in Excel.

SmartProperties :

AM51314: Added the ability to apply a unique counter number to each part configuration.

AM63109: Enable to force, for each property, the option to apply the properties (document, active configuration, all configurations) from the input mask settings.

AM84905: Added the ability to hide one of the drop-down menus in a dynamic menu

AM84906: Automatically maintains next values in dynamic menus when an empty value is modified.

AM84938: Added ability to add property to document and configurations when using property creation on linked document.

BG79226: The text file selection button is hidden in 125% display.

BG87325: Unable to check "Stop displaying message" for myPDMtools license warning

BG87553: The value displayed for the result of a concatenation of an option type uses the name of the option type if the name of the concatenation is the same as the name of the option type.

BG87825: Unable to delete favorites from "Property deletions" when renaming a document in a particular case.

BG88179: The SmartProperties name in the property mask does not change when the document is renamed and the pushpin is used.

BG88670: DynamicList displays a default value on first launch.

BG88938: DynamicList won't work in SQL mode if the database only accepts case-sensitive queries.

BG89552: If the first value of a dynamic menu is entered in the properties, subsequent values are not automatically filled in if there is only one choice.

TaskPlanner :

AM55041: Using the new TaskPlanner reports.

AM83242: Added FindDocuments database update task.

TreeManager :

BG68551: Unable to apply a color based on a property.


AM55049 : Translation of the folder created by UnsewBody into the language used by myCADtools.

UpdateVersion :

AM65778: Improved stability of UpdateVersion tool.