myCADtools 2021 SP2 :

General :

AM125381 : Added compatibility with SOLIDWORKS 2022.

BG123356: Partnership with Kaspersky for antivirus support of myCADtools installation files.

myCADtools toolbar :

BG125135: The order manager does not appear if the network is not available.

BG125164 : Instability of myCADtools command manager.

Name builder :

AM119127 : Preserve column size for advanced field creation.

AM119129 : Added the possibility of ignoring the message when this condition is first in the list - "Always".

AM125186 : Added the ability to force only a lowercase or UPPERCASE field.

AM125194 : Added the ability to concatenate multiple valid conditions.

AM125906 : Added the ability to retrieve the SOLIDWORKS value (as SmartBom does) - "Configuration description".

AM128587: Added the ability to replace a character with nothing.

BG119138: Tool crashes when user does not have access to "My Documents".

BG122674: Advanced rules should not be case-sensitive for file extensions.

BG123188: Regression in file naming. It is no longer possible to change case.

BG123189: Regression in file naming. It is no longer possible to perform several operations at the same time on the generated file name.

BG123203: BatchConverter crash on right-click in a specific area of the interface.

BG125057 : Extract the string from the "-" character.

BG125684 : Error when editing conditions if default property path is empty in myCADpassport.

BG127897: Creating a property with the configuration name on all configurations does not work.

File selection tool :

BG121812: Cannot use drawings for function - "Insert drawings of a document and its dependencies".

BG122978: The file selection tool allows duplicate files when using the options - "Insert drawings of selected documents" - "Add a favorite" - "Add a CSV file".

BG123560: "Insert drawings from selected document" - this function poses a problem when the file is in a PDM safe.

BG123572: "Dependencies" - this option is checked but not visible on a PDM file after using the function - "Insert drawings of a document and its dependencies".

BG128442: Insertion of selected document drawings freezes the tool for some documents.

BG129388: "Recent files" - this command no longer works.

AssemblyBoard :

BG127996: AssemblyBoard creates a settings folder 2020 in version 2021.

BatchConverter :

AM126608: Improved BatchConverter processing in TaskPlanner.

AM128805 : Launch a new SOLIDWORKS session for TaskPlanner processing.

BG117477: When the generated file name is empty, the report only indicates - "Unable to convert file".

BG122659: If the files to be processed are opened before processing, the files generated are all identical.

BG126747: When the filter button is clicked, the Sub folder checkbox is systematically ticked.

BG129337 : The tool crashes when processing a specific file.

BatchProperties :

AM124845 : Summary properties are emptied if fields are left empty.

CustomToolBar :

AM129215: Use default SWP macro instead of VSTA for PDF save example (VSTA macros in SOLIDWORKS are unstable).

BG128822: CustomToolBar add-on does not activate.

BG128992: Modification of CustomToolbar default settings for SmartProperties.

BG129588: Icons are grayed out if CustomToolbar settings are cancelled.

CuttingOptimization :

BG125871: When there are several subsets, the quantity is not correct.

DrawingTranslate :

AM121301: DrawingTranslate's database should be located in the "My Documents" folder by default.

DriveAssembly :

AM111891 : Added the possibility of using a decimal separator (Point or Comma).

FindDocuments :

AM113478 : If nothing has been updated, do not transfer the database to the network.

AM113486: Add list of properties available for column addition.

AM116967 : Add a button to reset the base.

AM127227 : Add inverse operator to property value.

BG108865 : Enable selection of a folder from a PDM local view.

BG117164: Random error when transforming a network base into a local base.

BG121128: Size column sorting does not work.

BG127372: Improved database analysis and progress bar.

Integration :

AM128804 : Launch a new SOLIDWORKS session for TaskPlanner processing.

AM129187: Added the ability to execute an Integration action without an operation.

BG127159 : Added versions 2020, 2021 and 2022 to SOLIDWORKS version conditions.

BG128723: The file name generated is incorrect if processing is performed when the file is open and the name contains the variable - "File name".


BG122295: Error when adding a new item and no folder is selected.

MarkFoldLines :

AM126047: Stores the last block model selected.

PilotAssembly :

BG122615: Updating component names does not replace the name in functions.

PowerPrint :

BG128495: The naming rule does not work correctly in PowerPrint.

ProjectManager :

BG124710: Problem finding shots with option - "Retrieve only the first shot found".

BG127566: Variables are not evaluated after duplication in a PDM vault.

BG129715: Duplication step error if the parent assembly is located in a level very close to the drive root.

Registration :

BG126727: Warning message changed if number of tokens reached.

SelectMaterial :

BG126813 : Modification of the method for connecting the tool to SOLIDWORKS.

Setup/Installation :

BG127185: Automatically closes myCADtools processes on installation.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM112472 : Added name builder tool to add naming options.

BG122710: Generation problem with option - "Group views by thickness on several sheets in a single file".

BG123638: Export method changed to Export geometry only (drawing shows thread representations and sketches in some cases).

BG124592: Sheet metal is generated in reverse order to the SOLIDWORKS unfolded view.

BG126993: The position and activation of properties are not retained when the tool is closed.

BG129560 : Display problem when reducing options.


AM126370 : Add the ability to generate PDF drawings of BOM items by adding notes linked to the 3D BOM.

BG118931 : Use the configuration used by the assembly for previewing.

BG121147: When exporting to Excel, numeric cells are in text format despite the Number format of the initial cell.

BG123148: The file extension is retrieved in active Assembly mode for the Part number.

BG127085 : Regional cell location parameters are modified after adding a date property.

SmartDrawings :

BG121432: SmartDrawings does not launch with specific settings.

BG125127: The default SmartDrawings document templates are not in version SW2016 and do not contain predefined views.

SmartProperties :

AM128439: Implementation of a new default setting in SmartProperties.

BG121244: Docking problem in SmartProperties settings window.

BG122059: The settings window is empty if the "SaveSmartProperties.xml" file is read-only in Windows temporary files.

BG122765: Interface evaluation of concatenation type does not take option type values into account.

BG123950: Selecting a radio button does not display a conditional group for welded parts, whereas it is displayed correctly for a part.

BG124617: A concatenation concatenation is not evaluated in the SmartProperties input mask, but is written correctly in the weldment list properties. The problem occurs on sheet metal items.

BG124950: "Create property on referenced document" - This SmartProperties property is not applied if the use of a Macro in Integration is enabled.

BG125315: Evaluation of conditional type or conditional group does not work if a SOLIDWORKS type property is used in the condition.

BG126944: The use of a particular DataSettings (favorites display option) plants SmartProperties with a specific mask.

BG127005 : The SOLIDWORKS thickness type variable is no longer taken into account.

BG127109: Manage the number of groups allowed in the SOLIDWORKS PropertyManager to ensure SmartProperties works properly.

BG128190: Referenced document property type does not work when selecting a part in the graphics area before launching the tool.

TaskPlanner :

AM113483 : No need to go to options for UpdateVersion.

BG113514: Unable to create a task without adding a file.

ViewGrid :

AM128977: Block SOLIDWORKS window while processing.

myCADtools 2021 SP1.3 :

Registration :

BG127845 : Registration tool bug fixed when launching myCADtools

myCADtools 2021 SP1.2 :

File selection tool :

BG121713 :Insertion of drawings and their dependencies from a selected assembly does not work in folder search mode..

CustomToolBar :

BG121706 :CustomToolBar add-on not activated.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM121293 :The message indicating the end of processing is displayed for each part..

AM121292 :Automatic program unpacking during treatment.

myCADtools 2021 SP1.1 :

General :

BG121391: myCADtools toolbar problem on workstations without Internet, toolbar does not appear.

myCADtools 2021 SP1 :

General :

AM106387 : Added feedback in myCADtools.

Name builder :

AM114039: Property management for mechanically welded products.

AssemblyBoard :

BG116448: Tool does not work when BOM is split.

BG117232: The tool deletes a BOM line when it contains the BOM title.

BG117253: Automatic storage of ticked labels.

BatchConverter :

BG114640: The tool launches a SOLIDWORKS in another version if a file is converted twice into different formats with a version lower than SOLIDWORKS 2020.

ColorChart :

BG116474: If the ColorChart tool is launched on an assembly, application to a part by double-clicking does not work, ColorChart must be relaunched in the part.

CopyParameters :

BG116666: The location of the file generated in the messages at the end of the parameter copy is missing.

CustomToolBar :

BG113183: When you activate events, you have to restart SOLIDWORKS once for them to work.

CuttingOptimization :

BG116228: The angle value is incorrect if the complementary angle is set when the table is imported.

DrawingTranslate :

AM9442 : DrawingTranslate does not translate view names.

FindDocuments :

AM106294: Added myCADviewer, Dependencies, and WhereUsed tools to search results context menu.

AM106433 : Added an analysis function to retrieve the list of referenced drawings for each 3D file

AM91927: Display control directly when box is clicked.

BG106420 : Addition of percentage progression and time for displaying analysis results.

BG117784 : Tool crashes when clicking on - View referenced files.

Integration :

AM116649 : Add a condition to test whether a file exists with a name and location.

AM116651 : Add a condition to test whether a note exists on a particular sheet or on all sheets.

AM116652 : Add a condition to test the number of views with sheet settings.

BG114232: If the conditions are not met, the analyzed file does not appear in the report.

BG114233: In TaskPlanner or TaskActions mode, the Integration tool does not close SOLIDWORKS.

BG114364: In TaskPlanner or TaskActions mode, an error message appears randomly.

BG114408: If the file contains several operations, only one is displayed in the report.

BG115029: The verification option for evaluated values does not work.

BG116885: The file does not appear in the report if conditions are not met in other actions.

BG116901 : The file is not saved if the last action is not processed.

BG120530: The condition for counting the number of configurations does not work.

myCADpassport :

AM116529: Add order - Wizard for copying options.

myCADviewer :

BG113822: An error appears when clicking on a column.

PilotAssembly :

BG120469 : Correction of a spelling mistake on the word - Repetition.

BG120473: Modifications are missing if the table contains rows that no longer exist in the 3D model.

PowerPrint :

BG116128 : Restart SOLIDWORKS if it crashes while processing the PowerPrint tool.

Registration :

AM119473: Add a timeout if the server is unavailable during Web activation.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM104373 : Added export options.

AM119637: Add message to create welded parts list

BG114110 : Error adding specific files.

BG115066: Despite the label modification, the type value still appears in the result.

BG115433 : Some sheet metal items are not added to the list of bodies to be processed.

BG116410: With specific parameter files, the interface is not good and the quantity is no longer calculated.

BG116415: When a property is unchecked in the columns, the label appears empty in the result.

BG116419: Impossible to validate column modification if a label created has the same name as an existing label.

BG116810 : Added option to keep drawing open.

BG117759: Check that the generation location exists before starting processing.

BG117955 : Grayscale the subfolder name if the option is unchecked.

SmartBalloons :

BG115773: Bubbling is very incomplete when the view is in shaded image mode or Edges in shaded image mode.

BG117902: Restore the ability to use the SmartBalloons tool on a part drawing.


BG112016: A hidden component still appears in the BOM despite the option to ignore hidden components.

BG114524: The part number, retrieved by the SmartBom tool, does not work if the checked option is - Linked to parent configuration.

BG115142 : The tool does not use the default property list option and the list is empty if SOLIDWORKS 2021 is not installed on the machine.

BG115254: Despite using a dd-MM-yy date format, the date appears in MM-dd-yy.

BG120300: Components with the same configuration are not grouped with the promote option if they are on the first level.

SmartProperties :

AM109530: If the - Material selection - property is checked, do not re-apply the material if it has already been assigned to the document, so as not to alter the appearance of the part.

BG113488: The value evaluated in the SmartProperties input mask is false if this property is used to concatenate with an automatic counter and the concatenated values descend from a PDM folder.

BG115823: A concatenation of concatenations is not evaluated in the SmartProperties input mask, but is written to the weldment list properties.

BG119841: Problem displaying conditional groups if there are two drop-down menus driving conditional groups that are out of order.

BG120126: Type instability - Delete a property with checkboxes.

BG120137: The option - Hold next values - does not work for a text file.

Tolerances :

BG118357: If the dimension is the exact value between two tolerances by adjustment, it is false in some cases.

myCADtools 2021 SP0 :

General :

Name builder :

BG107894: The concatenated property does not use SOLIDWORKS syntax but the hard-coded value.

BG112561: Filename generated incorrectly with advanced naming rules.

BG112715: When the value does not exist in the drop-down menu, an error is returned.

File selection tool :

AM106749: Add archiving comment to archiving options.

BG107025: Dissolving or processing a PDM folder with a filter does not work correctly.

BG109818: Filters on properties use the value rather than the evaluated value.

BG109829: Columns display SOLIDWORKS syntax rather than the evaluated value.

BG112131: PDM drawing analysis takes all versions into account, not just the latest version of the part numbers.

AssemblyBoard :

AM106368 : Added checked information for assembly view as well.

BG108681: The views displayed by AssemblyBoard do not correspond to the correct configuration.

BatchConverter :

BG101869: The U3D format has been removed as it no longer exists in SOLIDWORKS.

BG112118: Incorrect file name generated and SOLIDWORKS restarted during processing with the option - Create a file for each configuration.

BG112123: Inconsistent behavior if treatment is applied twice without closing the tool with a particular parameter setting.

BatchProperties :

AM109164: Remove date format from BatchProperties options.

BG108042: After upgrading to SP2, some workstations still have options to modify document toolbox options.

BG109015: IFC type properties are no longer available in BatchProperties.

BG111247: Adding a property with BatchProperties to a version 2021 file creates an equation property.

BG111671: Display a clear message on reading if the file does not contain a custom property.

BG111777: Reading and applying properties to a 2021 file does not work.

BG113491: Problem creating empty properties.

CloneComponents :

BG109234: Modify the message returned when an attempt is made to access Padlock and access is denied because the Web address is incorrect.

BG109791 : Error when inserting a CADENAS component on SOLIDWORKS 2021.

BG111732: The file is not generated on insertion when the folder contains Korean characters.

CopyParameters :

BG109443: Unable to create a parameter copy file with read-only parameter files.

CuttingOptimization :

AM74751: Report enhancement - Improve rendering of identical short-length repeats.

BG105620 : Times in the time sheet are set to zero even though the database has been filled in correctly.

BG105655: In a particular context, it is impossible to obtain the supply sheet and times in the report, even though they are checked.

BG72243: Automatically merge lines with identical profiles and lengths.

BG73188: Selecting a group resets profile orientation.

BG90646 : When adding a table containing a description with a Ø, the Ø value replaces the length.

BG98731: Unable to retrieve active document again.

DrawingTranslate :

BG106748: DrawingTranslate does not archive files at the end of processing despite the option being enabled.

BG110384: Unable to use tool in PDM.

FindDocuments :

AM107882 : Added database update scheduling mode.

AM95433: Added the ability to share the FindDocuments database.

Integration :

BG46283: Add an operation to delete empty properties, for example to delete empty properties created by Excel import of empty cells.

BG73037: Concatenation type does not take configuration options into account.

BG73039: The Save button has no effect on the last MCAT file saved.

BG99776: When the file could not be modified because it is read-only (e.g. a file in the vault and the extract option not enabled) indicate the reason in the report.


AM106298 :Integration of the FindDocuments launcher to launch a search from LocalHelp.

AM110834 : Added a toolbar in the editing window for adding-modifying-deleting and mounting-dismounting LocalHelp elements.

PilotAssembly :

BG112534: Updating a configuration does not work.

BG112566: Unable to create a new configuration.

ProjectExplorer :

BG108586: ProjectExplorer does not work with SOLIDWORKS 2017.

ProjectManager :

BG106584: ProjectManager does not create the same folder tree.

BG107971: When editing a naming rule, if a condition was set to "Contains" then it becomes "Equal".

BG109674: After processing, plan extensions are switched to lower case (the original extension case is now retained).

SelectMaterial :

BG106204 : Modification of the method for connecting the tool to SOLIDWORKS.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

AM104372 :Added option not to generate a plan when it already exists.

BG107649: Problem saving options.

BG107832: Impossible to use SMM with SOLIDWORKS 2016 (the problem was related to the default document template which was in version 2017).

BG108713: The label displayed is no longer the correct one as soon as a document is added.

BG108886: On first use, adding a document works, but it doesn't appear in the tool.

BG110462: Generated sheets are empty with SOLIDWORKS option to display the background dialog box when a sheet is added.

SmartBalloons :

AM106310 :Retrieve custom properties defined by the default property list option.

BG100261 : SmartBalloons makes SOLIDWORKS crash with automatic bubbling on a part drawing.


BG112540 : Extraction of welded items does not work on a SOLIDWORKS 2021 file.

SmartDrawings :

BG67804: Autosave duration changed after using SmartDrawings.

BG78520: Display an error in the report when it is not possible to create the view in the unfolded state.

BG93269: After using SmartDrawings to decline the sheets, the generated sheets are in USA projection.

SmartProperties :

AM104680 : Take into account length units for surfaces when forcing units in settings.

AM109530: "Material selection" property, do not apply the material if it is already assigned to the document, to avoid altering the appearance of the part.

AM84544: When clicking on the PDM folder button, explore the folder rather than the parent folder.

BG104057: Modifying a simple text in a dynamic menu works, but the settings are not saved; after validation, the simple text is still present.

BG107654: IFC type properties no longer work.

BG107847: Problem with mandatory information for dynamic menus.

BG108810: SQL mode counter capture only works once per session, once a number has been captured on another workstation for a particular base.

BG109333: When using an automatic counter, if the automatic counter is based on a value from a dynamic drop-down menu, the value displayed in the mask is incorrect.

BG109404: Dynamic calculation of conditional types does not work when changing a value in the SmartProperties mask, but the value created is correct.

BG110731: The option to apply to document and all configurations does not work for the material selector.

BG112012: Values are not updated with the Execute in mask type when the property is applied to the document and to all configurations.

TaskPlanner :

AM85705 : Modifying the TaskPlanner interface.

AM8692: Get a message if the TaskPlanner task does not launch at the right time.

AM9556 : When clicking on columns, tasks are not displayed in the right order.

BG106731: BatchConverter does not work in TaskPlanner.

BG106938 : Troubleshooting for task postponement.

BG112080: UpdateVersion does not close after launch with TaskPlanner.

BG112099: TaskPlanner mixes failed and successful tasks.

BG62317: The file selection tool options are not copied to the TaskActions task (PDM options).

BG62336: Modified duplication method for repeated tasks.

BG72431: Task time is modified by the time at which the task is started.