myCADtools 2022 SP2.1 :

Field concatenation tool :

       BG157853: Advanced option "Force to UPPERCASE" does not work

BatchConverter :

       BG156448 Unable to use advanced naming rules.

CuttingOptimization :

       BG156591: Error message when importing 3D from version 2022 SP2

       BG157852: Tool freezes temporarily

FindDocuments :

       BG157854: Unable to add property (Advanced search) from "+" button

SmartProperties :

       AM157132: PDM\Windows folder - The "Use last selected location" button does not use the last selected path but the last saved path.

AM156243: PDM\Windows folder - Change default value of option not to set default folder for new files

       BG156697: PDM\Windows folder - The path property is not created if it is placed after a non-visible conditional group

myCADtools 2022 SP2 :

New tool :

       3DSpaceExplorer: this tool enables local analysis and retrieval of a set of documents and their dependencies from the 3DSpace of the 3DExperience platform.

General :

       AM150382: Added compatibility with SOLIDWORKS 2023

       AM69707: myCADtools tab no longer enabled by default when launching SOLIDWORKS

       BG151537: Closes hidden SOLIDWORKS window when opening a second SOLIDWORKS process

       BG29770: Unable to run a macro if SOLIDWORKS was started by a myCAD tool

Field concatenation tool :

       AM139151: Add environment variable to create line break

       BG56826: Use document variable if property does not exist in configurations

File selection tool :

       AM150028: 3DSpaceExplorer connector implementation (BatchConverter, ProjectManager)

       BG143319: Using a property filter does not work when retrieving the active assembly for an assembly dependency.

       BG150295: The list (.mclst file) cannot be opened correctly if the files are not available in the local view.

       BG150592: The "Insert drawings of a document and its dependencies" function does not work on versions prior to 2018

       BG66516: Application freezes when an empty drawing is added to a mass processing tool

       BG68212: Unable to convert a folder containing a drawing with an empty view

AssemblyBoard :

       BG150669: If the BOM header is at the bottom, the quantity is incorrect.

BatchConverter :

       AM145024: TIF and PNG export options added

       AM148896: Added option to load drawings in HABILLAGE mode

       BG149860: General options not taken into account for import processing

BatchProperties :

       AM109165: Keep SOLIDWORKS variable fields when reading a file

BomComponents :

       AM142511: Right-click "Edit" button added

       BG142512: Analysis of creation and modification occurrences

       BG150822: Quantity not respected in a specific case

CloneComponents :

       BG153064: Padlock does not appear in Clone Component on some workstations

       BG44686: SOLIDWORKS crash when inserting a routing component

CopyParameters :

       BG139684: Display a warning when loading a parameter file of a higher version than the installed version

CuttingOptimization :

       AM147791: Added the ability to define random colors by profile type

       AM147847: Added ability to combine profile lines

       AM148646: Added "prefix on markers" option in 3D import

       AM50517: Ability to add flows from an Excel table or CSV file by pressing Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

       BG149754: Importing a table does not work when the unit is in Inch

       BG150297: Report problem when using the "import from 3D" function: poor management of cuts, frames, designations, weights...

       BG151277: The name of the imported profile family is modified when a flow is added manually.

       BG151865: The length is incorrect if the element has an "ajuster prolonger" function on a round profile.

       BG151870: Configurations of the same element are not separated on a 3D import

       BG152123: Column problem in the report

       BG152960: Quantity is incorrect when there are several identical sub-assemblies in an assembly

EntityProperties :

       BG140869: Force EntityProperty MacroFeature at bottom of tree in case of bounding box so that values are recalculated, otherwise all functions created afterwards are ignored

Integration :

       AM61233: Added the ability to modify image quality from Integration

       BG146332: Report shows "0 properties deleted" despite successful operation

       BG146873: If the default value (100) is changed, then the option will be automatically checked when the application is closed.

       BG146885: If you replace a "lowercase" property name with an "uppercase" name, it keeps the lowercase name.

       BG148018: Report shows different results between two similar files

myCADpassport :

       AM129544: If SOLIDWORKS property file does not exist, then automatically switch to SmartProperties option for default property list

       AM153384: Added ability to clear 3DEXPERIENCE cache

       BG152007: Automatic activation is not on myCADtools by default

PilotAssembly :

       BG148295: PilotAssembly registration error

       BG150430: Cells are text rather than standard

ProjectManager :

       AM150153: Added ability to delete all existing properties when copying a project

       BG142515: Take into account inserted or symmetrical parts in components

       BG142673: Favorites settings not retained

       BG144181: The general option "Delete current project after duplication" is not applied.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

       AM145445: Added ability to group sheet metal bodies by material

       BG106627: Document save windows appear if processed files are read-only

       BG107924: Added option to move part sketches to a layer during export



       BG151986: Quantity of BomComponents not recovered

SmartCounter :

       BG146878: Tool crashes if name resolution doesn't work

       BG92602: Prohibit the creation of two automatic counters with the same name

SmartDrawings :

       BG149934: The sheet is generated in the opposite direction to the SOLIDWORKS unfolded view.

SmartProperties :

       AM144523: Display property name and missing path in error message

       AM149599: Windows/PDM folder: Add option not to set default folder for new files

       BG148150: If you want to retrieve a property of the document referenced in an "Option or Conditional Group" property, the property calls the name of the property of the referenced document rather than its value.

       BG148728: The "Option" property type is not taken into account in the input mask for a new part.

       BG149440: The search function searches with the syntax begins with and not contains the value

Tolerances :

       BG137956: Tool does not check for Microsoft Excel at startup

ViewGrid :

       BG144278: Manage document units

myCADtools 2022 SP1 :

Field concatenation tool :

       AM145726: Add a new field (title) in addition to the file name

       BG137077: Tool does not retrieve document referenced in active or specified sheet

       BG138174: The configuration name retrieved is not correct when retrieving a portion of the field

       BG138199: Improved performance when using multi-configured files

       BG140378: Block the addition of controls if you already have a naming rule.

       BG146409: The empty value cannot be tested on a property condition.

AssemblyBoard :

       BG137570: Adjustments cannot be set correctly on second sheet

       BG144583: AssemblyBoard does not generate output correctly if view is set to "Top view".

BatchConverter :

       AM104303: Add option for PDF, DXF export, filter on name or number of sheets to export

       AM129335: Modification of processing routine in case of crash

       AM66515: Added control of SOLIDWORKS options from the interface 

       BG129545: Report does not display all exported files for option: Export one file per configuration

BatchProperties :

       AM137551: Added the ability to search for a property name in the drop-down menu list.

       BG142194: If you add a property containing the characters "ADD" (or "add"), alone or in a word, the property is created but no value is present.

       BG143624: When adding a property with a manually written name, the operation does not run.

BomComponents :

       AM137434: Added ability to use values with decimals for quantities

       AM138740: No default value for property name Quantity

       AM138742: Add original file path to component insertion properties by default

CopyOptions :

       BG135529: Read-only failures appear in the Success section

CuttingOptimization :

       AM128383: Make CuttingOptimization not count two bars when using non-symmetrical profiles, such as a rectangle.

       AM133149: Selecting profiles from a 3D file

       AM142311: Added ability to select separator between two report values

       AM143162: Add a toolbar

       AM143165: Add an option to take into account the grip in the final drop.

       BG136761: When the e key is used in profiles, the tool treats the key as Enter

       BG140651: No debit added to import project if BOM used and prefix added

DrawingTranslate :

       AM128800: Launch new SOLIDWORKS session for processing

FindDocuments :

       AM128583: Added ability to password-protect settings

       AM143010: Added an analysis function to retrieve the list of referenced drawings for each 3D file.

       AM143166: Folder scan tool added

       BG128578: The window switches to the background when a menu is scrolled and a specific area is clicked.

Integration :

       AM127662: Added SOLIDWORKS options control from Integration interface

       BG135413: The message is not correct if no condition is specified

       BG135414: Explain in the description of the operation to place free text in the report how to concatenate values

myCADtools :

       AM137415: Added "Copy Settings Wizard" tool to myCADtools application.

       BG139111: Error when launching myCADtools Application on some workstations with restricted Internet rights

       BG139139: the text displayed for ToleranceTable is that of Layermanager

       BG139673: Tool does not work in Portuguese (Windows language)

myCADviewer :

       BG129002: SOLIDWORKS variables are not evaluated by myCADviewer

       BG129840: Configurations don't appear and all properties are linked to the first one

ProjectManager :

       AM137807: Add search functionality to ProjectManager tree

       AM138762: Use double-click and delete keys to manage properties and naming rules

       BG134589: Parts and assembly search locations do not work

       BG135519: Unable to delete favorites with specific settings file and add delete button

       BG137802: The Move to folder command does not display folders created with the option: Add same subfolders

       BG137804: Unable to move folder to final structure view stage

SearchPaths :

       BG133778: SearchPaths does not delete paths in SOLIDWORKS if the options window is not opened in the SOLIDWORKS session launched by SearchPaths.

       BG137793: Paths are not added if the tool launches SOLIDWORKS

SelectMaterial :

       BG138706: Tool does not unfold material information menus in 125%.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

       AM111229: Ability to use Excel template to export data from SheetMetalManufacturing table

       AM111772: Added option not to export weldment list name

       BG101776: In one particular case, using SheetMetalManufacturing shows a sketch in the

       BG117359: Add export options

       BG134046: Phantom lines appear in output

       BG137990: An error message appears for a sheet metal item in a specific file with a corrupted Flat Pattern configuration.

       BG140950: In Turkish for Windows and with a part created in Turkish, the file name generated is incorrect.


       BG139453: The first BOM is empty since the switch to version 2022 SP0 in open assembly mode.

       BG144677: Non-French versions do not retrieve sldmaterials

SmartProperties :

       BG137426: When multi-selecting components in an assembly, if a deleted component is selected, the correct input mask is not used.

       BG139327: Drawing case changed after copying

       BG139888: In multi-selection, the counter taken is the same for all documents or welded items.

BG143866: SmartProperties crashes on validation when using links to other XML files that use the file being parsed

TaskPlanner :

       AM129003: No need to go to FindDocuments options when using TaskPlanner

UnitsConverter :

       BG139585: Drop-down menus in English despite French interface

myCADtools 2022 SP0 :

New tool :

       BomComponentsThis tool lets you add fictitious components with a quantity, for example, to insert fastener elements without graphically overloading your assembly and seeing them appear in the BOM.

       myCADtoolsThis tool introduces the myCADtools suite and lets you search by keyword or phrase for the tool you need.

General :

AM133038: Insert GIF images of myCADtools tips into tools.

       AM133042 : Added the ability to use myCADtools on a SOLIDWORKS Connected version.

       BG125665: Fixed incompatibility between myCADtools and Smap 3D add-ins.

File selection tool :

       AM129582 : Added the ability to insert file dependencies when right-clicking on a selection.

BatchConverter :

       BG134945: With a specific parameter file, the file is not generated because the report indicates an empty file name, whereas the file name appears to be correct.

BatchProperties :

       BG132408: Applying a SOLIDWORKS value (e.g. Mass) to all configurations does not work.

CuttingOptimization :

       AM131366: Added option for multi-configured profile names.

       AM137691 : Added profiles when importing a table, even if they don't exist.

       BG131548: Profile table recovery does not work for corners in a specific case.

       BG131844: Table retrieval only works with SOLIDWOKRS 2019.

       BG133298: Quantity problem when importing a table with a quantity factor and merging identical cuts.

       BG134424: Inconsistent quantities when importing a table from a specific file.

       BG136351: Unable to import a specific table.

FindDocuments :

       BG128711: Part type does not work in FindDocuments.

Integration :

       AM102594 : Add operation to manage Toolbox status.

       AM105058 : Add an operation to add a configuration.

       AM108259 : Add a drawing sheet activation operation.

       AM109196 : Add a condition for counting the number of faces.

       AM109197 : Add a condition to count the number of functions.

       AM109198 : Add a condition to count the number of bodies.

       AM109199 : Add a condition on reconstruction time.

       AM109200 : Addition of a condition on opening time.

       AM109201 : Add a condition on the number of flexible subsets.

       AM109202 : Add a condition on the number of constrained components.

       AM109204 : Add condition on number of missing components.

       AM109206 : Add a condition on the number of characters in the path.

       AM110057 : Add a condition if the mass has been arbitrarily defined with the "Replace mass" command..

       AM118250 : It is not possible to load a trim standard on a part or assembly even though SOLIDWORKS allows it.

       AM120178 : Add the possibility of choosing the sheet name in the operation - Create one plan document per sheet.

       AM120522 : Addition of a new condition "If the part contains a function named..."..

       BG132409: Applying a SOLIDWORKS value (e.g. Mass) to all configurations does not work.

       BG132491: The condition for testing the number of documents at a certain location does not work if the * character is not at the end of the path.

       BG132951: "If the part contains an error function" - This condition does not work when using the * character to specify the configuration.

       BG133026: The condition for testing whether a part is non-mechanically welded failed in the report, even though it is indeed a non-mechanically welded part.

       BG133031: The condition for testing whether a part is Non Sheet Metal fails in the report, even though it is indeed a Non Sheet Metal part.

PilotAssembly :

       BG131389: Unable to pilot assembly if PilotAssembly sheet is not in first position.

       BG131502: Crash (not visible) when specifying a configuration that does not exist.

ProjectManager :

BG138170: The property name is lost when editing a structure condition.

BG120066: Added option to recreate parent folders for external files.

       BG129727 : Add option not to copy assembly dependencies on parts.

       BG138179: Splitting files by property does not work for drawings.

Registration :

       BG137693: TLS 1.2 protocol activation problem.

SheetMetalManufacturing :

       BG135651: "Forced" quantity in document properties not taken into account.



       AM127651 : Added configuration options for plan search.

       AM135077: Added the ability to set BatchConverter options for SmartBom PDF exports.

       AM135566: Added document path and configuration when extracting all properties automatically.

       BG131663: Conversion to PDF with SmartBOM does not work.

       BG131933: When processing a part, welded items do not appear unless the "Add general assembly to BOM" option is checked.

       BG133194: PDF export options are not retained if SmartBom is launched from SOLIDWORKS.

       BG135540: Unable to define part type (sheet metal or welded) in SmartBom conditions.

SmartProperties :

       AM135711: Keep last used PDM file when using on a new part.

       AM136798: Support for TLS 1.2 security standard for SQL connection in dynamic list.

       AM137141: Make the "Save automatically in this directory" option take precedence over the folder defined in the PDM folder.

       BG129527: Poor display ergonomics if the name column is enlarged because of the scrollbar.

       BG130644: Unable to lower a conditional group.

       BG130653: A concatenation is not evaluated in the interface if the property to be concatenated is in an option group, but the property is created.

       BG130754: Regression, variable Thickness on parts no longer works.

       BG131296: Evaluation in the "Concatenation" type interface does not take into account the values of the children of the selected option type.

       BG132467: Counter type, the "Indicer" button does not work when used on a welded item.

       BG133573: The property containing the file location is not updated when the file path in PDM changes without reselecting the folder manually.

       BG135819: Favorites do not store the path to the PDM/Windows folder.

WhereUsed :

       AM127639: Integration of FindDocuments reference search in WhereUsed tool.