Mass rename files
The tools SmartDrawings, BatchConverter, BatchProperties, ProjectManager, Integration CloneComponents, PowerPrint, SheetMetalManufacturing, myCADviewer can be used to rename files generated using field generation tool.
This tool lets you create a file name by retrieving Solidworks properties, a system variable or simply by defining a fixed value.
We can also concatenate variables to generate a unique name.
Example 1:
Let's take BatchConverter as an example. We want to define a specific name for the export files we create.
We configure the name to retrieve :
- file name
- the value of the "Revision" property
- a meter
We launch the export, and the tool will generate a 3D STEP file with the specific name we've defined:
Example 2:
We want to rename all the parts in the FindDocument Service database, keeping the references.
For this we use FindDocument with a naming rule :
This rule will allow us to rename files with "initial name forced uppercase" and "-Visiativ".
Here's the result: