Leaf declination
Unlike the '' tabCreating planswhich applies to a list of files, the '' tabLeaf declination'' is used taking into account the drawing of the active document. If the active document is not a drawing, this part is grayed out.
In the example above, the drawing includes 4 views, and the '' utilitySmartDrawings'' detects that 5 configurations have been created in the 3D document and proposes to create the associated sheets. You can check the configurations for which an additional sheet is required and uncheck
the ones you don't want. The icon
indicates the configuration active in the existing sheet and is therefore unchecked by default.
As for the 4 plan views, if you do not wish to duplicate a view, simply uncheck it. .
This section also allows you to specify and select the background (slddrt) to be used to generate successive sheets. Please note that this function only applies the plan background when creating the front and side views. If your model contains predefined views, they will not be used.
Then simply press the to generate sheets in the active layout.