If there are already drawings in the destination directory which you wish to keep, you can check the '' option.Do not overwrite existing layouts''.

For mechanically-welded parts, it may be useful to generate one sheet per body.

It is also possible to create detached layouts, which allow you to open the plan without having the files referenced by the layout.

If the 3D document is a sheet metal part, we can request that the model document, specified in ''.Choice of template documentsbe used. If the option is unchecked, the document template will be used.

If the '' optionCreate a new view of the developed partis ticked, an unfolded view of the part will be displayed. If the part has several sheet metal bodies, an unfolded view will be generated in the center of the sheet.

It is also possible to impose the scale of the views, in which case simply uncheck: ''.Automatic view scaling''.