Simply drag and drop the '' icon.Rating'' to the desired position in the column ''.Properties''. Or ''Double click'' on the icon ''.Rating''.

This type of property is used to retrieve the value of a dimension from a field.


This type of property creates a selection zone. When you click on this zone, it is activated to enable the selection of a dimension in SOLIDWORKS. When this dimension is selected, its name appears in the cell, but the filled-in property will display the value of the dimension, if you want to use it in a note or BOM. What's more, this value is associative with the model, i.e. it is read back each time this attribute is called up. So it's always up to date, with no need to restart the utility.

To prevent this dimension from being updated automatically and freeze the value in the properties, check the '' option.Breaking the link with the document''.

This is the result of the display in SOLIDWORKS.


Other options concerning this type of property can be customized in the general odds options, refer to the settings from ''Rating type''.

To delete the contents of a selected dimension, either :

  • Click another dimension to replace the value of the initially selected dimension.
  • Click the dimension again to empty the ''Dimension'' property field.