Simply drag and drop the '' icon.Character string'' to the desired position in the column ''.Properties''. Or ''Double click'' on the icon ''.Character string''.

This property type can be used to retrieve part of a property (unlike the '' type).Concatenation'').

For example, retrieve the first 3 characters etc...


You can also start the search at the beginning or end of the property value and specify the number of characters to retrieve or the character to search for.

Let's take the case of the '' propertyRef'' to be completed :

If the value of the property ''Supplier'' is equal to : ''DMS-PowerFull-'', in the '' zoneRetrieve characters up to n starting''.

  • "Retrieve the first n characters" :


    • By checking ''From the beginningand asking 3 indicates that the first 3 characters will be retrieved.

This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''DMS''.

    • By checking ''From the endand asking 5 indicates that the last 5 characters will be retrieved.

This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''Full-''.

    • By checking ''Between the'' 5 ''and the'' 10 indicates that the string between the 5th and 10th character will be retrieved.

This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''Power''.

  • ''Retrieve the first characters up to n by starting the search'' :

Another example, in a Windows path, if you want to retrieve characters according to the position of the '' character/''.



    • By checking ''at the beginning'' :

By checking ''at the beginning'' and requesting the character ''/'' indicates that all characters will be retrieved from the beginning to the first character ''./''.

This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''310(corresponding to the project number, for example).

    • By checking ''at the end'' :

By checking ''at the end'' and requesting the character ''/'' indicates that all characters will be retrieved from the end to the first character ''./''.

This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''SmartProperties/310-122-Lid''.

    • By checking ''Split'' :

This is a special case that allows properties to be processed according to a special syntax. For example, if the property ''Supplier'' indicates 3 available suppliers from 3 different countries we use a separator character (example '').:'') to separate values.

''Supplier'' = Visiativ Suisse:Visiativ:Aliativ


This gives ''Ref'' equal to ''Visiativ''.

  • "Retrieve characters from n by starting the search" :

If the value of the property ''Supplier'' is equal to : ''300-PowerFull-1000''

    • By checking "at the beginning" :


The value retrieved from the beginning of the string up to the character ".-"which results in "Ref"equal to300".

    • By checking "at the end" :


The value retrieved from the end of the string to the "-"which results in "Ref"equal to1000".

If you wish to retrieve the value between the "-"In this case, we'll use the previous option by checking "Split".

  • "Replace":

You can also replace characters in an existing property value: For example, replace the character "-"by the character "space".