This property type is used to select the PDM vault folder from which the file is to be saved, and to map PDM Attributes to SOLIDWORKS properties. This folder can be either a PDM vault or a Windows folder.


This allows the project number to be retrieved, depending on the location of storage in the safe, without the user having to enter it manually in the SmartProperties input mask.

The SOLIDWORKS properties of the file will be filled in with the contents of the variables in the PDM folder.

Vous devez avoir une licence myPDMtools pour récupérer les variables de dossier

The folder path can be saved to inform a selected property.

For example, you could create an automatic counter linked to this property value, and manage different counters for each project.


New documents are automatically saved in the selected PDM folder.

When used in drawings, a "Folder selector" button automatically retrieves the 3D location.