List of default properties - this option is used to enter the list of properties available in certain tools (BatchProperties BatchConverter, SmartDrawings, etc.):

    • to retrieve the properties contained in the 'Properties.txt' file specified in SOLIDWORKS options (with the option of editing the file)


    • to use input masks (part, assembly, drawing) to define the list of custom properties offered by certain tools. This list can be edited if you wish to add new properties.


Use this icon to point to a saved list.

Use this icon to update this list, for example if you've made changes to your SmartProperties input masks.

Use this icon to create your own list.

These files can be saved locally or to a network location for sharing with other users.

This icon is used to edit the list of properties to be selected.


Properties from SmartProperties input masks cannot be deleted, but you can uncheck those you don't want to appear in the list.

Click on this icon to add a property to the list. The type of addition will be manual.

This icon lets you delete a selected manual property.

This icon lets you import a list of property names from a text file. These properties will be added to the existing list.


Properties are displayed in the order defined in this window. You can change this order by using the UP-DOWN arrows on the right of the window.

By checking this option, properties will be displayed in alphabetical order. As long as you remain in this window, if you uncheck this option again, you will return to the order you had before checking it. If you validate the window by checking this option, you will lose the order you have set.


See chapter (How to use SmartProperties masks for the list of properties offered by myCADtools).