• Paper printing :


- Number of copies :

Specify the number of copies for all selected documents.

- Manage the number of copies differently (Nx1, rather than 1xN) :

This option is particular to some print drivers that do not recognize the number of copies.

With this option the driver is sent the information to print the number of documents once rather than once.

For example to print a Verin.slddrw plan in quantity 2 :

- When the option is unchecked :

               The printing of the plan Verin.slddrw is started with the quantity 2.

- When the option is checked :

The printing of the Verin.slddrw plan is started twice with the quantity 1.

  • Editing Parameters :


- Printing of plan sheets :

This option allows you to print all sheets, only the active sheet or choose the number of pages to be printed.

In this example, only sheets 1 and 2 of all selected documents will be printed. The separator character is the ;.


- Size (Reduction/Enlargement) :

-In the format Print: the printout is generated in the format of each selected document.

-Impose the following format This option allows you to impose a print format.

In this example all selected documents will be printed in A4 format, regardless of their default sizes.

this option is linked to the Impose the following format and allows you to force the printer selected in chapter Printers for the chosen format.

  • Document operations :


- Rebuild documents on opening:

This option allows to launch a reconstruction when opening each selected document.

- Zoom in to the full screen :

This option allows you to zoom in on each selected document before printing.

- Switching drawing views to high quality :

This option allows you to validate the SOLIDWORKS High Quality option on the views of all selected drawings.

- Loading documents in single view :

This option allows you to open all selected documents in single view.

- Test the validity of the views (wait for the end of the reconstruction at the opening) :

This option allows you to start printing only at the end of the reconstruction of the selected drawings.

- Use a time delay after opening the plan :

This option allows you to add a delay to the opening of the drawings.

In this example the printing of the drawings will start 15 seconds after the opening of each drawing. This allows SOLIDWORKS (for large assembly drawings) to fully load the drawing before printing.

  • Manage document properties at print time :


This window is used to update document properties before printing.

Example: In the title block of this drawing, we will fill in the Modified On and By properties before printing the documents.


I fill in both properties in the utility


When printing, the properties will be filled in.


A maximum of 5 properties can be added.