The 'Valorize a variable via SQL query' type allows you to update a variable with the result of an SQL query.

Information to be filled in :

       - Variable, variable of the map to be modified

       - Query type, OleBD or ODBC

An example SQL Server, ACCESS or ORACLE for each type of connection OleBD or ODBC can be used.

Simply replace the missing elements * of the connection string

The connection string could then be for example :

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=VS-7x6413\;Initial Catalog=myPDMtools;Persist Security Info=True;User ...

       - SQL query, you can use existing variables from the map in the query. Just put the name of the variable between | (Altgr +6)

                        For example |CODE|


In this example, we retrieve the value of the attribute CODE and launch the query select MATERIAL from LeatherList WHERE CODE='result of the value CODE'.

The valuation of the variables is calculated for each configuration, so in case the CODE attribute is different in the configurations, the query will be recalculated for each of them.