To add a TaskProperties action, just click here.


If you choose the TaskPropertiesFree option there will be no extraction and archiving of the file and you will only be able to select 'Free' variables.

The TaskProperties window appears.


It is possible to change the name of the action.


A group is automatically added to the list of operations and can be added to it with conditions of performance.



It is then possible to use one or more operations in this group :

Adding an operation in TaskProperties is done by Double-clicking or Dragging and Dropping in a group:


To delete an operation, simply select it and use the Delete key or right click:


All operations can also be copied and pasted, this can be particularly useful for filling in several custom fields with identical values:


The operations are processed in the order in which they are in the list, so you can use the arrows to change the order of processing: