Exporting a document ASSEMBLY
Triggering can be done in the following way:
- When the user has selected a document ASSEMBLYand change the status of that document (progress in the workflow associated with the document) to the status VALID_STATUS
- When the user has selected a document ASSEMBLYThis possibility depends on whether or not the context menu is enabled (see "Interface settings").
It should be noted that it is possible to trigger the transfer of several ASSEMBLY documents simultaneously (multiple selection of several documents and change of status or start of the transfer by the user).
Process Flow :
First of all, it is necessary to specify that in the case of an export on an Document ASSEMBLY2 main sets of information are generated:
- BOM data: Links between the assembly and all its components (with quantity information and attributes corresponding to the columns of the BOM)
- The technical information of each element : Attributes specific to each document concerned by the transfer, this list of attributes being defined in the parameter setting.
In addition, for processing on an export from a Document ASSEMBLYit is necessary to identify several cases:
- Homogeneous process :
In this case, the assembly and all related documents are set to the status VALID_STATUS. The process is then as follows:
- Generating BOM links :
- Browse the entire BOM tree (multi-level) in "Latest Version"
- Two treatments can be generated (for XML files only):
- Multi-level link handling : Links between the BOM header and its direct components (parts and/or assemblies), and if the component is a sub-assembly, immediately after the links to its direct components, and so on...
- Single-level link handling : Links between the BOM head and all its direct components (parts and/or assemblies). Then, for each sub-assembly encountered, the direct links between this sub-assembly and all its direct components, and so on...
- Export of attribute values to be transferred for each document (defined in interface settings, see "Exported attributes - BOM links »)
- Export of quantities and configurations used for all "component" documents (for SOLIDWORKS files)
- The configuration taken into account is the active configuration or the configuration referenced in the assembly links, depending on the configuration set up.
- File name(s): Defined in the interface settings
- File format: XML or CSV, depending on the interface settings
- Generating Attribute Values for Follow-On Documents :
- Concerns the BOM head and all related documents
- The choice of the configuration(s) concerned is configurable
- File name: Defined in the interface settings
- File content: The identifier (defined in settings) of each document followed by the values of the attributes concerned by the transfer (defined in settings interface), and this for all the documents one after the other.
- File format: XML or CSV, depending on the interface settings.
- At the end of process, if this option is active, a notification of success or failure is sent to one or more defined users.
- A trace of the process is added to the log file.
- Heterogeneous process :
In this case, the head assembly (and possibly some other dependent documents...) goes to the state VALID_STATUSand some of the related documents are already in the state VALID_STATUS (or do not switch to the VALID_STATUS…).
The process is then similar to the process of the previous case (homogeneous process), with a difference only on the generation of the attribute values of the documents.
Indeed, in this case there is:
- Generation of BOM links: Presence of all components (same behavior as for homogeneous processing)
- Generation of attribute values for follow-on documents: Attribute values are only present for documents that have just been transferred to the report. VALID_STATUS (other documents do not appear)
- At the end of process, if this option is active, a notification of success or failure is sent to one or more defined users.
- A trace of the process is added to the log file.