
Standardize a list of SOLIDWORKS documents by copying options from a reference document

Standardize and easily modify your SOLIDWORKS documents


CopyOptions allows you to copy SOLIDWORKS options from a reference document to one or more other documents of the same type.

With CopyOptionsSave over 16 hours of work per project! The calculation is simple: to process a batch of 200 plans, if you need an average of 5 minutes per document to update all the plans with your title block, plan backgrounds and document options. That's 16 hours of low value-added work.


Video presentation


View a technical presentation of the tool below CopyOptions.


Key features

    • Selecting a reference document (Plan, Part or Assembly).
    • Selection of a set of documents of the same type to be modified.
    • Automatic copying of optionsCustom properties, material, color and layers.
    • Automatic replacement of backgrounds of a set of drawings according to the format of each one.

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