Columns can be customized :

  • by clicking on the
  • by right-clicking "Column management".


Use this command to disable, add or delete columns:


  • To hide a column, simply uncheck the corresponding line:


  • To add or delete a column, right-click on the corresponding line and select ''.Delete custom column'' or ''Add a custom column'' :

Double-click on the '' lineName'' allows you to enter a custom header, which also applies to existing lines.


Example : Add column ''.MaterialThis is a property of a welded part item in the BOM table. The syntax and case of the property name must be respected. Then there are two types of property, '' and ''.Simple ownership'' and ''Differentiating property'' (double click on the column type '')Type'').


  1. A ''Simple ownership'' allows you to enter profile information


  1. A ''Differentiating property'' can be used to differentiate between identically shaped profiles using a different criterion.


For example, in this case, if the '' propertyMaterial'' is of type: ''Differentiating property'', the '' markDIt won't be mixed on bars with other flows that don't have this same property.