When several users are working on the same server, it makes sense to move the database over the network. The advantage of sharing a database is that it is not updated by each user, so updates will only be carried out once, and only by one workstation in the company.

To define the workstation that updates the database, simply specify a network folder for the database location and check one of the options:

There are two possible scenarios:

  • You take charge of updating server folders. This means that when you click on the all folders are modified (yours locally, plus those on the server).
  • If you don't support updating server folders, you can still add network folders, but when you click on the update button or if you schedule the update, only your local folders will be updated. The name of the PC with rights is indicated in the interface (here AXRD-W10).

On other client workstations, simply point to the same network folder for the database location.

If a database already exists at this location, a message indicates that it will be retrieved. You will then be able to declare your local folders in this database and update them, but updating network folders will be reserved for the person declared as the database owner (by default this is the database creator).


You can decide at any time to take charge of updating this shared database. This can be useful if the person in charge of the database is absent for a long period or leaves the department.