Beach reservation
Create a number reservation :
You can define a range of numbers to be reserved for future use, or to subcontract part of a project.
The numbers will be reserved from the current counter. That is, if the last used counter number is 10200, reserving a range of 1000 numbers for the subcontractor, the next counter value will show 11201.
The reservation name is saved (scxml extension).
This file can be imported after use by the subcontractor.
A message informs you that the next counter value has been modified.
If the subcontractor does not use one of Visiativ's tools, a reservation file in CSV format must be generated for him. It is possible to request the opening of the file generated in CSV format.
Import a reservation range :
Clicking on this icon loads one of the exported files. Select the reservation file that was generated (.scxml).
A visualization of the customized list is presented and, above all, the next counter value to be taken is given.
Before previewing, information messages may appear depending on the reservations loaded:
- If a number reservation already exists (import validation or not)
- If a counter with the same ID already exists (import not possible)
- View reservations :
By clicking on this button, you can view all the reservations created for a counter, in order to check the start and end values of the numbers that can be taken by the subcontractor.
In the following example, we can see that 2 reservations have been made on the "Client_2" counter (single counter):
- For the "Visiativ_2" reservation, 1000 numbers have been reserved, the starting number taken will be 00 and the last number that can be used will be 999.
- For the reservation "Visiativ_1" 500 numbers have been reserved, the starting number taken will be 1000 and the last number that can be used will be 1499.
So the next starting value for my counter will be 1500.
By clicking on this icon it is always possible to export the reservation file in CSV format.
A full-text search box lets you filter the display to find a number, a string, a value, etc...
Advanced counters (cumulative type) also include a list of reservations and a full-text search box.
By clicking on the column header, you can sort the order in which items are displayed.