This property is used in the input mask for a drawing or a welded part.


The usefulness of this property is to be able to :

  • From a drawing, assign a property present in the drawing to the referenced 3D document.
  • From a selection of welded mechanics in a part, assign a property present in the welded part item in the 3D document.
  • From a component selection in an assembly, assign a property (from this component) to the parent assembly.

By clicking on the options icon you can select what you want to retrieve or apply.

Example The backup directory for the drawing.

  • Retrieve a property from a welded part item and reassemble it as a document property (for the moment, welded parts in an assembly are not processed).


The property can be applied either to the document (tab ''Customize''), or to the active configuration (''Configuration-specific'') which is used in the room layout.