This processing allows you to copy a folder structure and files from Windows to the .

This can also be done directly from Windows Explorer. The advantage of using DataRecovery is that, if there is an error when copying files and/or folders, Windows stops processing while DataRecovery processes the information, stores it for inclusion in the report and then continues processing.


Selecting a Windows folder to copy :

This option allows you to copy the entire Windows folder structure (including subfolders) to the defined PDM folder.

Selecting a text file with the list of files or folders to be copied :

This option allows you to define in a text file the folder files to be copied

You can recreate the tree structure in the PDM folders by defining the starting folder



PDM destination folder:

This option allows you to copy the files or folders defined in the text file to the PDM destination folder.



You define the location of the PDM folder to which you copy the files and folders to be copied.

The option Replace existing files by taking a version allows if the file exists to extract it and take a version.

If the option is not checked, the file is not overwritten.


Copy filters allow you to define rules to include or exclude files when copying.

For each field the separator is ; and the wildcard character * can be used at the beginning and/or end of the field. These two parameters can be combined.

For example: sld*;*xls;*prt*

  • Exclude extensions:

This option allows you to exclude extensions.

For example, to exclude all Word files (.docx) or Excel (xls and xlsx), you can inform:


  • Only the extensions:

This option allows to include only the defined extensions.

For example, to include files of type SOLIDWORKS Part (.sldprt), Assembly (.sldasm) or Plan (.slddrw), you can use:


  • Name of the files:

This option allows you to filter files by their names.

For example, to include files that contain the word Export (Example file name: 125-Export-005.dxf) and files ending with 012 (Example file name: 250-Manu-012.PDF), you can use:


  • Date of creation and Date of modification:

This option allows you to filter only the files that have been created or modified between two dates

At the end of the processing, a report can be edited in order to take note of the successes, failures (therefore not copied) and files that have not been copied because there was already a file in the vault destination directory.

The location of this report is set in the general options.