myPDMtools 2017 SP4 - February 2018 :


AM45724: Add calculated information to the tool to concatenate variables.

AM45842: Added split function when using the tool to concatenate variables.

AM45257: Added online help in tools.

AM45259: Added a button to search for updates and download them.


AM33681: Dependency Analysis - Automate the analysis and correction of broken references.

AM42946: Dependency Analysis - Add parts analysis to part number search.

AM45263: Dependency Analysis - Added an option to add a file name or location mapping file.

BG46937: Dependency Analysis - In case of multiple results, take the file that best matches the folder structure of the old reference for dependency analysis and resolution.

AM46804: Take into account option 2017 to not take a version.

BG43848: If a value of type 07464-01 is entered with DataRecovery, it is converted into a date.

BG47573: Updating variables from an Excel file: In the case of searching from the vault, only the first file found in Excel is processed.


AM9906: Added the ability to set SOLIDWORKS options in DocPublishing tasks.

BG45575: The DocPublication export does not work when a rule is added on an export type whose name does not match the extension (Ex: Parasolid => xt).

BG46213: Scheduled task - If a file to be processed in the list no longer exists, the DocPublication scheduled task does not start.


BG24946: Display a clearer message if access to the XLS file is denied.

BG43472: When a csv file containing only one DynamicList column fails to open the menu.

BG44113: Problem of slow using DynamicList with an Excel file.


AM21989: Take into account option 2017 to not take a version.

AM46521: Case insensitive when searching for configurations in the application of variables.

AM46523: Added the possibility to choose several configurations for the application of variables.

BG46479: Cannot apply a variable read from a configuration named to configuration @.


AM40022: Added an option to overwrite the latest version when checking in the file.

AM46905: Added option to customize archive comment.


BG45227: Unable to reorder groups in TaskProperties.

BG47381: The last custom field is renamed to the default value when dragging a new custom field.

myPDMtools 2017 SP3.2 - December 2017 :


AM 42155: Added notification at the end of myPDMtools task execution


BG 42120: When exporting an empty variable, the extracted cell is not empty, it contains a space.

BG 42087: Problem extracting all properties if the Template file already contains columns with variable names not present in the vault


AM 14558: Ability to generate exports from an old revision.


BG 42086: Date retrieval with PDMProperties adds time


BG 42245: DocPublication options are not saved in the TaskActions tasks.

AM 42656: Added option to automatically increment the name when renaming if the file already exists in the folder


BG 41507: Groups are duplicated when TaskProperties are re-opened.

BG41323: Unscrew the variables of the parent file or folder from the system variables.

BG42676: Rename action, if the new name is identical to the file name the task will be erroneous.

myPDMtools 2017 SP3.1 - November 2017 :


AM38966: SW and PDM 2018 Compatibility

AM38890: Copy myPDMtools jobs without losing options

AM34479: Automatically save a backup of the myPDMtools job setup in Windows time

AM40737: Added a time stamp in the tool logs

AM40763: Added a hyperlink to the log file and the report in the task report.


BG 28826: Dependency analysis identifies files that do not have the same name.


AM 39883: Improvement of overall tool performance

BG38773: In recover existing files or recover source files mode, the recovered file is the local one, so not necessarily the latest version.

BG38736: Being able to edit the bundle without saving it when the file is not extracted, this will allow to generate the bundle without extracting the mptdb file.

BG38698: Edition of a bundle recreates locally the files inserted in the bundle.

BG38177: Error when generating the DocBundle bundle by starting a job

BG37651: During generation, if there is a warning, the generation does not continue but starts again.


AM39439: Added option: Reconstruction of SOLIDWORKS document every time it is opened in DocPublication.

AM38283: When the file type (ex:sldasm) is not to be processed in the list of formats to export, do not open it and display a message in the report.

BG40132: Unable to generate a PDF file from an xslx file that contains hidden sheets.

BG39212: Autocad export no longer works

BG38997: DocPublication no longer generates files when you want to activate layers.

BG37619: Problem positioning buffers on drawings


BG37604: When an Excel file has only one column, DynamicList does not work.


BG38873: Cannot use MPT backup file with TaskActions

BG39973: ODBC queries do not work


myPDMtools 2017 SP3 - September 2017 :


BG34831: When copying files to the vault, DataRecovery does not process files contained in level 2 folders.

BG35525: Date types are not maintained in DataRecovery

BG36460: Data card information does not work when using the configuration options.


BG36326: The PDF file is not generated with the option: Move file to a sub-folder and the option: No modification but defined by a part of the common name'.


BG34826: In the variable concatenation tool, the modification of a variable into a variable of the referenced document is not taken into account.


BG34668: Cannot execute PDMRestart


AM17625: Added 'Copy file properties to children' operation.

BG33423: Keyboard shortcuts do not work

BG34836: Cannot force capitalized values if they are defined in the list (works with the option: all)


myPDMtools 2017 SP1 - May 2017 :

New DocBundle tool:

DocBundle' allows you to create a document bundle in PDF format that contains all the documents needed to create a project.

The tool also allows you to generate a folder structure linked to an HTML file with technical documents in different export formats.

DynamicList :      

BG 29774: When selecting a remote xls file on a shared folder, DynamicList does not work.

BG 29684: Problem of slowness when using DynamicList with a specific XLS file


myPDMtools 2017 SP0 - April 2017 :

General :

AM 22198: Migration 2017

BG 17600 : Manage the option: Create a file for each counter containing the history of values taken with the option: SQL base.

BG 20502: Error The sequence does not contain any elements when creating an SQL counter for the first time.

BG 28327: myPDMtools tasks do not start if the PDM-triggered Windows process is not called TaskExecutor

AdvancedBOM :

AM 9894 : When a folder is selected in the setting, the same preset is resumed when a folder is reopened.

CacheRefresh :

BG 18174: CacheRefresh is not translated

CopyLink :

AM 12260 : Being able to create a right-click link on a folder

DataRecovery :

AM 16876 : Filling in files from Excel, have as identifier the value of a PDM attribute to find the files to be processed.

BG 21940: When applying permissions to a folder, the tool tries to treat the lines as files.

BG 24379: Review messages

BG 24384: Completely review the variable change report via an Excel file

BG 25618: No option at first launch of the application

BG 27018: Attribute update via an Excel file, if the full path is defined as identifier and the file is not found then we have no information in the logs.

BG 9884: Cannot perform recovery on a specific file

DocPublication :

AM 28694: Display a notification pop-up on the machine running the task

BG 27566: Improvement of the variable update interface

DynamicList :

BG 16471: When a file is extracted on another station, and the card contains free variables, the message forbidding filling via DynamicList must be displayed

BG 26646: Cannot use DynamicList with a specific file.

BG 27181: DynamicList ignores the first line of CSV files

BG 28786: In SQL mode, the following values are not reset when a value is changed in a top menu

PDMCheck :

AM 9804: Make the explorer accessible to use PDMCheck

PDMProperties :

BG 26832: The window for adding properties does not come to the foreground.

PDMReport :

AM 10091: Provide a report, to enable monitoring of disk space used by projects.

AM 10135 : New action to list rights

AM 17939 : Delete an operation with the Delete key.

BG 17940: Undefined object reference to an object instance by dragging an operation

BG 23155: Error message when loading options

PDMSearch :

AM 9850 : Be able to add as search criteria calculated values such as version type, file name, status, ....

SerialNumber :

AM 12853: Be able to declare a serial number on the (variable) file card (use with buttons only)

BG 24424: Add ability to customize SerialNumber archiving comments

BG 26372: Unable to retrieve a property from the Excel file to paste it into the data card of the SW part.

BG 27545: Data card does not update when incrementing a SerialNumber from SOLIDWORKS

BG 27586: The SmartCounter does not take the values of the current card when using a button to update from SOLIDWORKS or to explore it.

RevisionTable :

AM 27937: Be able to force the version of SOLIDWORKS to be used in RevisionTable