• Choice of bar lengths

- Imposed :

This option is used to impose a bar length for all profiles.


- Falls management :

If you have off-cuts in stock, you can enter their lengths here, which will be taken into account when cutting the elements.


- Define by profile :

This option lets you define a bar length for each profile.

See paragraph ''Define bar length per profile''.

- Treatment :

This field is used to add information to the report header concerning the finish of the bars (e.g. painted, anodized, without, etc.).



  • Machine

- Blade width :


By default, the cutting width is retrieved from the options. This value can be modified for the active project.

- Initial drop :


Part subtracted from the bar length before optimization: this part corresponds to the various losses associated with the different sawing machines (in the case of a double-blade machine, this corresponds to the systematic "re-sawing" of each length, or in the case of a single-blade machine, this corresponds to bar pre-emption, etc.).

  • Angle dimensioning :


(See item entry)

Initialization of the angle value taken at the ends. In some companies, the edge perpendicular to the bar axis is :

- Considered at 0°.

- Considered at 90°.

Example In the first case, the cutting angle will be 30°, while in the second case, for the same cut, the angle will be 60°.

The corners of the flow list are recalculated immediately by changing the option.